Sunday, September 13, 2009

Touch a truck

Yesterday we went with some friends to an event called "touch a truck"...a little boy's dream and I must admit that I was quite excited to see these vehicles as well! There were dump trucks, fire trucks, moving trucks, tanker trucks, "bob-bob" trucks...a bus, ambulances, and even a studebaker equipped with a surfboard and a man convinced that I needed to buy one of his boxer puppies. (obviously he was oblivious to the baby I was carrying and my banshee of a two year old running wild). We enjoyed it all until the end...Jennie, if you are reading we had a tantrum that would rival the one you experienced at the zoo. How fun it must be to be a boy!

And today the nap goes to...

absolutely no one in the Broadrick house...are you kidding me????

Note to self: Max-Jean is a lousy babysitter...

Unless you need nearly every inch of your porch colored a beautiful color of blue!

1 month photos

Here are 1 month shots of Mary Susan is her oversized onesie! I can't even believe that she is already one month old (acutally now 6 weeks). She is smiling and cooing...we are starting to recognize her cries and needs more regularly now. And I can say that after a scary 1 month check up I gained perspective on children and my daily enjoyment of each of them. Although my house is a complete wreck and at moments almost puts me over the edge, I try to remind myself each day that this is a season and it is passing by far too quickly already.

Friends, remind me of this on the hard days!

1 month stats:
10 lb 7 oz (90%)
22.5 inches (90%)
Head---don't remember but 50%

1 week later back at the dr she weigh 11 lb 1 oz so the girl is not missing any meals!!!