Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Athens on a beautiful college day...

Oh, I mean Atlanta on a beautiful spring day, 4 babies in tow and 2 more on the way...things have changed just a little :)

Sweet friends/roommates/groomsmen of Bucky's. How blessed we are to walk through life with amazing people at our side. I wish we could pack up these 2 families and move them to Chattanooga!

1 comment:

Bagwell's said...

Oh me too! Ashley, I think we are kindred spirits living 100 miles away. We adore your family and your friendship and we are honored to get to walk side by side with you through these new adventures! And we are glad you are one step ahead so we can learn! Let's so it again soon please!

Aren't the boys studs with their babies in tow? Much better looking than Athens days right?